Your Channel Puts You in the Driver’s Seat
ePlay Academy

Your Channel Puts You in the Driver’s Seat


Think of your ePlay channel as your own personal launchpad. This is where it all begins, where your fans come to find you and the new people you meet get their first glance at who you are and what you’re all about.  It’s where first impressions are made, and where everyone can see the myriad of ways they can connect with you. It’s also where you want fans coming back to frequently for your latest updates.

Side note: See how sharing your channel link can boost your earnings

When you start working with ePlay, you have multiple ways you can monetize your time and content.

  • Live Streaming
  • Games
  • Virtual Gifts
  • Selling Social Connections
  • Private Chats
  • Selling Content
  • Premium Subscriptions *coming soon
  • And more coming soon ?

Here are some tips & tricks to building your best Channel:

1) Make a great first impression

Upload a catchy avatar and profile image. These set the tone for your channel. Since the avatar is pretty small, adding one that focuses on your face tends to work best, but you know your fans so feel free to experiment.  For the background image - the important thing to remember is that it automatically changes size depending on the screen size your fan is using (laptop, tablet, phone, etc). With that, we have seen it work well when uploading more of a wallpaper image instead of a photo of you, but you’ll be the one to make the final call. Pick colors and tones that resonate with your brand and the style you want to portray.

To edit these, login to > channel > my profile

2) Get creative

Play around with the rest of your profile. This is your chance to let your personality and brand shine. Tell your audience who you are and give them a taste of what it means to connect with you. Having personal Virtual Gifts and Tip Menu items will let you shine!

3) Turn on all of your tools!

Make sure you’re using all of the tools at your disposal. Setup some games, schedule your live streaming calendar, connect your social accounts, upload videos and pictures for sale, turn on private messaging and your fan club.